Gospel Living

Philippians one, twenty-seven;

Saints are citizens of heaven.

Not their own, but purchased be;

Among the world, a testimony.


Predestined to the image of Christ;

The reason He was sacrificed.

Our purpose clear, His grand design;

To His will, we must align.


Every motive, goal, and plan;

Every thought from inner man;

Every deed and conversation;

A witness to a great salvation.


Gospel living is not hard,

When holding Christ in high regard.

When with His Spirit we are filled,

The sin we love is daily killed.


So, live the life that can’t compare:

With Christ, His Word, and constant prayer;

Selfless love, true thanksgiving;

Brethren, this is gospel living.


~ By Daniel Kriss

September 2, 2019

(After preaching on Gospel Living from Philippians 1:27a)
