Crystal Creek Christian Camp

Anticipation fills the heart;

It’s nearly time for camp to start.

The bags are packed into the boot;

Jelly cakes and snacks- an absolute.


Along the winding roads we drive,

Never feeling more alive!

At last we reach the unmade lane;

The rickety bridge; the green terrain.


Our eyes are darting left and right;

The pool, the lake- a welcome sight!

Bright canoes await on shore;

Chad’s waterslide- adventure’s door.


The flying fox and paddle boat

Timidity has found an antidote.

Laughter fills the dining hall;

We all await the dinner call.


It’s chapel time, the music plays.

A hush descends as preacher prays.

The message burns within the soul;

The Word and Spirit take control.


Now in the cabin hearts are bared;

Truth discussed, and struggles shared.

Although these times are not the fun,

It’s here the spiritual work is done.


Schedule says free time’s arrived;

With Kiosk snacks we are revived.

Obstacle course proves quite a test;

Capture the flag – ultimate contest.


The Family Night is such a blast!

Chocolate game is unsurpassed!

Pass the parcel always thrills;

Noodle hockey nearly kills!


Nothing else compares to camp

With its indelible timestamp.

A place of concrete victories;

It is the Ministry of Memories.


The site has changed, upgrades been made;

Its former glory – beginning to fade.

Though faint, the hallowed ground does speak-

“I’ll always remain your Crystal Creek!”


~ By Daniel Kriss, October 23, 2019

Written after Church Family Camp at Alexandra Adventure Resort,
formerly Crystal Creek Christian Camp.
