A Friend Beyond the Smile

There lives a man on danger street,

Behind those eyes is real defeat.

Unnoticed by the numberless crowd,

Tear-stained cheeks and furrow-browed.


A world exchanging pleasantry;

Feelings veiled, forced nicety;

Culture’s progeny: superficiality.

Makeup, Botox- obscuring all reality.


Fears within and lies without;

Hurting hearts, relentless doubt.

Souls adrift on restless waves;

Shipwrecked lives, watery graves.


Professors proffer lifeless hope;

Catholicism presents the Pope.

Hippies prescribe mindless dope;

Anti-depressants supplied to cope.


Beneath the cover recounting the pain;

Dreaded darkness envelopes the brain,

A numbed mind- emotional strain;

Perceived failures – resultant migraine.


Windowless rooms in houses forlorn;

Endless nights, no sight of dawn.

Sorrow lingers without recourse;

Light extinguished, no human force.


The sun appears but some don’t see-

Living in perpetual misery.

The lark is silent, the sky is grey;

Hollow lives, they’re not ok.


Real friends are not just passers-by

Well-wishes given- Pie in the sky.

Merciless speeches and empty advice

Cannot replace love’s sacrifice.


Look for that one who’s broken inside

Cowering in fear and petrified.

Console their heart with love unfeigned

Truth gently bestowed, hope maintained.


Pause your life without delay,

You may help one live another day.

Be that friend beyond the smile

Who gives and goes the extra mile.


~ Written by Daniel Kriss (25th May 2019).

This poem was the result of observing hurting people who pretend they’re ok and have little hope and few true friends.

A Life More Vivid Than The Sunrise

She’s small and plump

And tends to slump;

With tiny hands and shortened neck;

Often needs a hearing check.


Protruding tongue and eyes that slant,

My faithful confidante.

Compassion seeps from every pore;

The social pariah she does adore.


Nothing compares to coming home

To a girl with an extra chromosome.

A face that shines with love divine;

Not a defect, God’s great design!


Behind the broad and beaming grin

An imp of mischief spawns within.

Don’t let that face so sweet and fair

Deceive you. She’s wily – Beware!


A singing voice that’s monotone;

Never afraid of microphone.

A techno whiz on mobile phone;

Her letter-writing is well-known.


Now let’s speak of food and treats;

Of chips and bread and any sweets.

She’ll lie and steal and go too far

To seize the forbidden Mars Bar.


“Abort this worthless soul” some cry,

Their “defects” mean that they should die.

The Christian sees God’s work of grace;

Discrimination has no place.


She lives a state of ceaseless prayer;

Perhaps an angel unaware.

Loves the Lord and reads His Word;

The sounds of Christ are overheard.


When I look into those dancing eyes-

A life more vivid than the sunrise.

This picture is not monochrome;

Embrace God’s gift of Down Syndrome.


~ By Daniel Kriss, October 26, 2019


After seeing a sweet girl with Down Syndrome down the street today.
Dedicated to my sister, Golda Kriss who has Down Syndrome.


Alien Righteousness

My sin-sick soul in death was held,

Without remission, hope expelled.

Self-righteousness -my only plea;

Condemnation, God’s decree.


All effort, merit on my part,

Could not atone or cleanse my heart.

A lifeless corpse, a scarlet stain;

A darkened mind, a tongue profane.


A slave to sin without recourse;

Heinous crimes and no remorse.

Could hope there be for one so lost?

Drowning fast in tempest tossed.


A wooing comes from Spirit strange,

And calls me to an inward change.

A light is dawned upon my soul;

The gospel bright in full control.


My only hope is sovereign grace;

Substitution in my place.

A remedy outside of me,

The blood of Christ- my only plea.


A robe of righteousness is given;

All trespasses and sins forgiven.

In Christ alone salvation found;

Where reigning sin did once abound


The best I had was filthy rags;

Futile efforts and empty brags.

Now in Christ I’m justified,

The Father’s wrath is satisfied.


A life now lived for Christ my King,

In fiery trials and suffering.

But nothing can my soul undress,

Clothed in alien righteousness.

Crystal Creek Christian Camp

Anticipation fills the heart;

It’s nearly time for camp to start.

The bags are packed into the boot;

Jelly cakes and snacks- an absolute.


Along the winding roads we drive,

Never feeling more alive!

At last we reach the unmade lane;

The rickety bridge; the green terrain.


Our eyes are darting left and right;

The pool, the lake- a welcome sight!

Bright canoes await on shore;

Chad’s waterslide- adventure’s door.


The flying fox and paddle boat

Timidity has found an antidote.

Laughter fills the dining hall;

We all await the dinner call.


It’s chapel time, the music plays.

A hush descends as preacher prays.

The message burns within the soul;

The Word and Spirit take control.


Now in the cabin hearts are bared;

Truth discussed, and struggles shared.

Although these times are not the fun,

It’s here the spiritual work is done.


Schedule says free time’s arrived;

With Kiosk snacks we are revived.

Obstacle course proves quite a test;

Capture the flag – ultimate contest.


The Family Night is such a blast!

Chocolate game is unsurpassed!

Pass the parcel always thrills;

Noodle hockey nearly kills!


Nothing else compares to camp

With its indelible timestamp.

A place of concrete victories;

It is the Ministry of Memories.


The site has changed, upgrades been made;

Its former glory – beginning to fade.

Though faint, the hallowed ground does speak-

“I’ll always remain your Crystal Creek!”


~ By Daniel Kriss, October 23, 2019

Written after Church Family Camp at Alexandra Adventure Resort,
formerly Crystal Creek Christian Camp.

Distractions of the Modern Age

The parable of parables;

Made known to His disciples.

A secret truth most notable;

A message that’s unfashionable.

With ears to hear, let us hear;

We can’t afford to be cavalier.


A farmer sows his precious seed;

He casts it forth – a righteous deed.

His task complete, he played his part;

The gospel now has reached the heart.

Time will tell the real convert;

No turning back, He’ll not revert.


Some seed has fallen on the street;

Trampled by the busy feet.

The Devil’s birds do confiscate

The seed before it germinates.

Truth is snatched and seized today;

On wings of doubt it flies away.


Some seed is in the rocky ground;

It has no root, nor moisture found.

It grows with joy, but withers fast;

When trials come it cannot last.

Beneath the surface lies a flaw

This stillborn child is made of straw.


Some seed was sown amongst the thorns;

Fruitless and barren, a life forlorn.

The barbs emerge and suffocate;

Cares and riches strangulate.

A promising start but soon deceived;

Gospel truth not really believed.


Some seed was sown in fertile soil;

This heart believed without recoil.

The saving proof: enduring fruit;

Rooted in the Penal Substitute.

A thriving harvest, plain to see

Spreads throughout eternity.


~ Written by Daniel Kriss, November 13, 2019

Having read this parable in Mark 4:1-20 and pondering the many who have made professions of faith over the years but have since “fallen away”.

Enduring Fruit

The parable of parables;

Made known to His disciples.

A secret truth most notable;

A message that’s unfashionable.

With ears to hear, let us hear;

We can’t afford to be cavalier.


A farmer sows his precious seed;

He casts it forth – a righteous deed.

His task complete, he played his part;

The gospel now has reached the heart.

Time will tell the real convert;

No turning back, He’ll not revert.


Some seed has fallen on the street;

Trampled by the busy feet.

The Devil’s birds do confiscate

The seed before it germinates.

Truth is snatched and seized today;

On wings of doubt it flies away.


Some seed is in the rocky ground;

It has no root, nor moisture found.

It grows with joy, but withers fast;

When trials come it cannot last.

Beneath the surface lies a flaw

This stillborn child is made of straw.


Some seed was sown amongst the thorns;

Fruitless and barren, a life forlorn.

The barbs emerge and suffocate;

Cares and riches strangulate.

A promising start but soon deceived;

Gospel truth not really believed.


Some seed was sown in fertile soil;

This heart believed without recoil.

The saving proof: enduring fruit;

Rooted in the Penal Substitute.

A thriving harvest, plain to see

Spreads throughout eternity.


~ Written by Daniel Kriss, November 13, 2019

Having read this parable in Mark 4:1-20 and pondering the many who have made professions of faith over the years but have since “fallen away”.

Gospel Living

Philippians one, twenty-seven;

Saints are citizens of heaven.

Not their own, but purchased be;

Among the world, a testimony.


Predestined to the image of Christ;

The reason He was sacrificed.

Our purpose clear, His grand design;

To His will, we must align.


Every motive, goal, and plan;

Every thought from inner man;

Every deed and conversation;

A witness to a great salvation.


Gospel living is not hard,

When holding Christ in high regard.

When with His Spirit we are filled,

The sin we love is daily killed.


So, live the life that can’t compare:

With Christ, His Word, and constant prayer;

Selfless love, true thanksgiving;

Brethren, this is gospel living.


~ By Daniel Kriss

September 2, 2019

(After preaching on Gospel Living from Philippians 1:27a)

Heaven’s One Resplendent Theme

The earth has gone, the heavens too;

Behold our God’s made all things new!

The eyes are wiped of every tear;

No entrance found for pain or fear.


All evil banished, no more sea;

The former things – passed memory.

The holy, new Jerusalem,

A city made from gold and gem.


More impressive than this place,

Beholding now my Saviour’s face.

The street of gold cannot compare;

The Lamb of God- my Jesus fair!

No light, no lamp, no sun required;

No watch or clock or time expired.

Heaven’s one resplendent theme-

The King of kings who reigns supreme!


The pearly gates, foundation square;

All kings and nations enter there.

The tree of life is yielding fruit;

The leaves – a healing attribute.


The name of God upon their heads;

Christ and church, the newlyweds.

Saints from every age and time,

Conversing sweet with praise sublime.


More impressive than this place,

Beholding now my Saviour’s face.

The street of gold cannot compare;

The Lamb of God, my Jesus fair!

No light, no lamp, no sun required;

No watch or clock or time expired.

Heaven’s one resplendent theme-

The King of kings who reigns supreme!


~ By Daniel Kriss, May 28, 2018

(On the celebration of 29 years in Christ)

Hope in God

The restless nights, the tear-filled eyes;

The soul in anguish, the cloudy skies.

A weary body, a fragile mind;

Worrisome thoughts, and hope declined.


A mist of doubt and fear arise;

Obscuring light and God’s sunrise.

Where once I bathed in help divine,

A deafness to my prayers I find


No strength I gain from stained-glass towers,

Birds are hushed, and bloomless flowers.

The world I view is monochrome,

Depression comes and makes its home.


Can confidence and hope emerge,

Where pain and worry do converge?

Is there buoyancy in tempest tossed,

A lighthouse beam for one who’s lost?


Depleted strength- no plan revealed;

My heart recalls a truth concealed-

A God who stills the raging sea,

Delights to save and set me free.


From my dark and cheerless place,

I call for intervening grace.

He lifts me from the waves below,

To heights of joy I did not know


He leads me to the waters still;

My soul restored – His perfect will.

All failure, fear and worry cease,

And in His presence perfect peace


My anxious soul has found its rest;

All waywardness and sin confessed.

A joy-filled path through valley deep,

A God of hope- my soul will keep.


The Christian Mother

A woman of virtue is hard to find;

With tender heart and Christ-like mind.

Bearing her burdens with delight;

Leading her children to the light.


Her life is marked by prayer and song;

Before her God she walks along.

Her praise is heard throughout the day;

And love for Christ is on display.


Her lamp does not go out by night;

Motherhood’s call, ever in sight.

She does not fear the weather’s frost;

Provides for all despite the cost.


The rod of reproof is in her hands;

Its long-term value she understands.

She disciplines with truth and love,

As ordered by the Lord above.


Whilst others fancy wealth and fame;

The Word of God she does proclaim.

Pursuing love and teaching truth;

In vigilance protects her youth.


With calloused hands and wearied feet

She comes before the mercy seat.

Her strength renewed from time in prayer;

Upon the Lord, lays every care.


The field she bought now bears its fruit;

Providing for the destitute.

Her linen garments fetch a price;

Tireless work- her sacrifice.


The elders know her husband well;

He leads his family to Bethel.

She does him good and never harm;

Reveres without deceitful charm


Many in excellence have stood;

With beauty, charm, in womanhood.

And yet unrivalled stands another:

The God-fearing Christian mother.
