The Vanishing Glory: The Tragic Effects of Long-Term Face Coverings

The Vanishing Glory: The Tragic Effects of Long-Term Face Coverings

Psalm 34:5 Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed.

A Brief History of Face Coverings

Face coverings and veils are nothing new. Middle Eastern cultures have been covering the face for centuries. In fact, the first book of the Bible, Genesis speaks of this custom on at least three occasions.[1] Historically, veils symbolised chastity, modesty, and subjection. To this day, head coverings and veils remain an important role in many religions, including Orthodox Judaism, and Islam. For these groups, the head covering signifies religious identity and self-expression.  

Whilst veils and head coverings have a long and well-documented history, the surgical face mask is a relatively new invention. According to “History of Surgical Face Masks: The myths, the masks, and the men and women behind them,”[2] by John L. Spooner, face masks first emerged at the end of 19th century and were used as a protective measure by doctors during surgery to prevent airborne bacteria from entering an open wound.

In 1918, the surgical mask became a global phenomenon as the Spanish flu ravaged the world. According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, about 500 million people or one-third of the world’s population became infected with this virus.[3] Historic photographs from this time period depict well-dressed people wearing masks.[4]

Most western cultures discarded the mask for everyday use after World War 2. However, China, and some other eastern countries, continued to wear masks in submission to the Communistic public health campaigns, and to secure recognition of their medical modernity, innovation, and scientific prowess.

In 2002, there was a mask resurgence in most Asian countries with the SARS epidemic. Christos Lynteris, a medical anthropologist, wrote, “It was the 2002-3 SARS epidemic that led to the massive adoption of face masks as personal anti-viral protection in China and elsewhere in East Asia: More than 90 percent of Hong Kong residents reportedly wore them during the SARS epidemic. Once again, as in 1911 [pneumonic plague outbreak]— but on a 21st-century scale — photographs of mask-clad crowds became iconic of SARS across the globe.”[5]

On March 17, 2020, Vanessa Friedman wrote an article in the New York Times with the sub-title, “The surgical face mask has become a symbol of our times.”[6] Friedman said, “When history looks back on the pandemic of 2020, those white or baby blue rectangles that hide the mouth and nose, turning everyone into a muzzled pelican, will be what we see.”[7]

Since Friedman’s article in early 2020, surgical face masks have become not merely a personal choice made by the people, but a mandated health requirement of many governments and countries globally.

As Bible-believing Christians, how should we view face coverings? Should we simply comply with the mandatory mask regulations under the Romans 13 “submission to government commands?” Are there other aspects to consider in this discussion?

The Dignity of the Human Face in Creation

The face or countenance is the centrepiece of our outer man. This is that part of the human body which makes us distinguishable from others, most clearly displays emotion and feeling, and is primarily responsible for communication. Whilst the eyes are said to be “the window to the soul,” the entire countenance is that which reflects the glory and image of God.

A human being’s physical individuality is almost entirely facial. This is why mobile phones and surveillance technology now use facial recognition and retinal scanning to unlock devices, even in preference to fingerprints, patterns, and codes. This is also why terrorists and criminals cover their faces to protect themselves from being recognised. We have all seen those iconic bank robber movies where the perpetrators put on balaclavas or stockings over their head before a holdup.

God designed man with a face that reflects His own glory. Emotions and expressions mirror God’s character, and these are displayed on the human face.

According to the Bible, the face is like the soul’s barometer; it is an outward indicator of the internal workings of the heart. Even a cursory read of the Scripture reveals that emotions and feelings are expressed on the face: learning and wisdom makes a face shine;[8] a blameless man is described as one of laughter and mirth;[9] the state of one’s heart can be observed;[10] laughter and shouts of joy are an expression of God’s powerful deeds;[11] sorrow and despondency are revealed;[12] the presence of sin can be perceived;[13] sickness, health deficiencies, and malnutrition can also be detected.[14]

When we understand the value and dignity of the human face and that it is a “portal” into divine creativity and expression, we will be careful about covering it, and consider carefully why and how long it is veiled.

From Scripture, it is clear that utilising a face covering is not a sinful deed,[15] but there is an argument for open-facedness, and the full expression of one’s personality, individuality, and glory.

The Dehumanisation of Mask-Wearing

Human beings are distinct from the rest of creation.[16] One of these distinguishing features is that of personality. Personality deals with our identity, thinking patterns, communication, and rationale. In this way, we are made in the image of God,[17] and bear His markings both on the inside and the outside.

Our particular focus here relates to our personality as it is displayed on the outside. As we have already seen, the face or countenance is the primary showcase of our personality. It is here that our emotions are displayed, words are verbalised, brows are furrowed, eyes twinkle with delight, dimples emerge, imps of mischief are perceived, lips are curled, humour is expressed, and a host of micro-expressions are at play.

When part or all of the face is covered, we are dehumanised, even if it is for a brief moment. Consider the surgeon. Decked out in his sanitary scrubs, surgical cap, gloves, and face mask, he is a sight to behold. There are virtually no identifying features seen, and his emotional state cannot be observed. You would not be able to pick him out of a line up, and until he removes his mask, you have no idea whether the procedure was a success.

Consider the motorcyclist. He is wearing the leather jacket, pants, and gloves. His helmet hides much of his face so that it is almost impossible to identify him, let alone hear his voice. The motorcyclist must remove his helmet in nearly every establishment because it is deemed a security risk and/or a lack of social etiquette to have the face veiled.

In both examples above, the reason for a face covering is both logical and acceptable. It is a protective mechanism which we applaud. The same is true of those who must wear hazmat suits or personal protective equipment.

There is no doubt that face coverings are essential to certain situations, but it should be noted that for those periods of time when they are employed, the individual is dehumanised. Whether used for personal or occupational reasons, head coverings of any sort are by nature “glory diminishers.”

Is it wrong to wear a mask, face covering, or personal protective equipment? Of course not. We want the surgeon to wear a mask, the workmen to be in a hazmat suit in toxic environments, and the motorcyclist to wear a helmet. However, we only want that temporarily, because the features, emotions, expressions, and glory of the countenance reveal the true character, and this must be seen again as soon as possible.

Being face to face in the Bible was the ultimate sense of nearness and relationship. This is attested to by Jacob when he encountered God,[18] when the Lord spoke to Moses,[19] in the intimacy of the husband-and-wife relationship,[20] and the future revelation of Jesus Christ to His church.[21]

We also note that in the New Testament Church, Paul regularly instructs the believers to greet or welcome one another with a holy kiss.[22] By this, the apostle was not issuing a mandate for kissing per se, but that the churches would be physical and familial in their expressions of endearment towards one another.

The present COVID-19 pandemic has seen many governments mandate the use of surgical masks in virtually all circumstances. This is, of course, an effort to avoid transmitting the contagion to others. Whilst the intentions to protect the public are commendable, the ongoing dehumanisation of society is a very real concern.

Not only are we concealing a good portion of the human countenance by wearing face masks, but we are also impeding our ability to read human behaviour, social cues, body language, and expression. Prolonged use of facial masks will have a significant impact on how we interpret one another, interact, and may even minimise the exchange of common pleasantries.

Children born in the last few years do not know a society without masks. This will inevitably result in some form of social retardation. It is already hard enough for the 1.5% of Australians who are on the Autism spectrum to interpret human emotions without adding face coverings into the mix.

When a government instructs an individual to wear a mask, they are demanding them to be disfigured. They are robbing them of their God-given glory, and this is the very definition of humiliation.

The sad tragedy of society is seen in that it covers what is glorious and reveals what is to be kept hidden. It should not surprise the Christian that once again God’s order has been inverted. In the Garden of Eden, God made Adam and Eve a covering for their nakedness, but not for their faces. Today, we are inclined to expose the immodest parts of our bodies, and now with COVID-19, have obscured that which was designed to reflect God’s glory and creativity.

You see, then, it’s not “just a mask,” it is a form of dehumanisation and humiliation. Am I saying we should never wear masks? No, but it should be rare and avoided wherever possible.

The Display of God’s Grace on the Believer’s Face

Significant time has already been given to the dignity of the human face in creation, but now I would like to conclude this article by looking at the face of the redeemed.

Scripture is replete with references to joy in the life of the Christian.[23] Ultimately, it is the presence of the Holy Spirit within who is the source of true and lasting joy.[24]

At salvation, we become a new creation and are given a new heart.[25] Solomon said, “A glad heart makes a cheerful face.”[26] His father, David, wrote, “Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed.”[27]

The Christian should be the happiest individual in all the world, having personally experienced salvation from sin, having no reason to fear death, and with God living inside. These spiritual realities should be expressed on the face.

There is a “double glory” associated with the countenance of a Christian – the dignity of the natural human face, and the cheerful disposition of God’s saving grace.

Face coverings, therefore, should only be employed when circumstances are extreme, and only for very brief periods of time. God’s glory, our individual uniqueness, and the indelible, cheery marks of grace must not be masked for very long. After all, God removed the “spiritual veil” from our hearts,[28] and we now behold the glory of the Lord with an “unveiled face,”[29] surely that should be a reality in the physical realm too.

God has called us to proclaim His excellencies,[30] and most often this begins with a radiant, open-faced, countenance.


[1] Genesis 24:65; Genesis 38:14, 19






[7] Ibid.

[8] Ecclesiastes 8:1

[9] Job 8:21

[10] Proverbs 15:30; Proverbs 16:5

[11] Psalm 126:2

[12] Nehemiah 2:2

[13] Isaiah 3:9

[14] Daniel 1:10

[15] Exodus 34:33-35

[16] 1 Corinthians 15:39

[17] Genesis 1:27; Genesis 5:1-2

[18] Genesis 32:30

[19] Exodus 33:11

[20] Song of Solomon 2:14

[21] 1 Corinthians 13:12

[22] Romans 16:6; 1 Corinthians 16:20; 1 Thessalonians 5:26; 2 Corinthians 13:12

[23] Philippians 4:4; James 1:2; Romans 15:13

[24] Galatians 5:22-23

[25] 2 Corinthians 5:17; Ezekiel 36:26

[26] Proverbs 15:13

[27] Psalm 34:5

[28] 2 Corinthians 4:4

[29] 2 Corinthians 3:18

[30] 1 Peter 2:9

The Godly Response to Physical Maladies

Right Thinking when I’m Sinking

Physical maladies can be incredibly difficult to work through. Often times it is not only our bodies which are affected, but also our minds. Maintaining a right perspective is only possible when we walk in the Spirit and allow Him to control our thinking.

God is still in my Boat and still in Charge

In Mark 4:35-41 the disciples learned an important lesson about trusting God despite the seemingly impossible circumstances. These professional fishermen encountered a storm which looked like it would destroy them. The Lord Jesus Christ was sleeping, and it appeared like He was unconcerned for their welfare. Instead of trusting, they were toiling. Instead of experiencing the freedom that comes from knowing the presence and power of God, they were frantic. After giving everything in their own strength, they finally approached the Master of the wind and the waves. He demonstrated His omnipotence by rebuking the weather and bringing about incredible peace.

The application here is not that the Lord will always remove the difficult circumstances, but rather that He is present in the storm, and in full control. The Lord will always do what is right, and we are to exercise faith in Him.

God is only up to Good things in my Life

For many Christians Romans 8:28 has become a cliché. However, it is not some vain and repetitious mantra that sounds good but carries no real truth. This precious text encourages the Christian with the knowledge that God will only ever do good, and even the difficult circumstances of life are threads in His tapestry of grace. Whether we are experiencing sickness, grief, heartache, loss or pain, we can be assured that this is working out for our sanctification and ultimate good.

God’s Grace and Power are more fully realised in my Weakness

In 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 Paul faces an undisclosed thorn in the flesh. Whatever the malady, it was difficult, and the Lord would not remove it though Paul had “pleaded” with Him to do so on numerous occasions. Instead of a “removing job,” God wanted to do an “improving job” in the life of His servant. In Verse 9, The Lord Jesus Christ speaks to Paul and says, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” In other words, the Lord wanted Paul to learn the reality of God’s strength and grace, and his own weakness. The spiritual result of this thorn is noted in verse 10 when Paul affirms that he is “content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities.”

A Godward Gaze is required to stay Afloat

In Matthew 14:22-33 the Lord Jesus Christ comes to His disciples walking on the sea in the middle of the night. Having overcome his initial fear, Peter enquires of the Lord as to whether he might come to him on the water. The Lord says “Come.” Peter steps out of the boat and begins to walk on the water. This experienced fisherman had never in all his life walked on water. However, when he became distracted by the wind and elements he began to sink. The Lord rebuked Peter for not continuing to walk by faith. Whilst Peter maintained a god-ward gaze, he not only kept his head above the waves, but he walked on top of the perilous sea.

When we maintain a god-ward gaze in the midst of hardships, we too will live above the adverse circumstances. We must continue by faith to look to Christ and His Word. Only then will our minds and strength be renewed. Hope in the Lord and we will “mount up with wings as eagles.” Paul writes, “Do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day” (2 Corinthians 4:16).

A Biblical Response to the Coronavirus (SARS COVID-2; COVID-19)


The first reports of this new strain of Coronavirus were made in December 2019, and emerged in China, specifically in Wuhan province. The virus has been referred to as SARS Covid-2, and the disease as COVID-19. The observed symptoms are fever, cough, muscle aches, headache, vomiting, and diarrhoea. These symptoms are similar to those of a flu, particularly similar to influenza.[1]

The rate of transmission and the lack of a medically endorsed vaccine has been the cause of widespread panic. Many people are hiding in their homes and basements, having amassed great amounts of food, toilet paper, and other groceries in the fear of an apocalypse. Doomsday media outlets are not helping bring sanity and hope but instead are promoting panic and alarm. Travel bans, global financial crises, and country quarantines are all adding fuel to the fear-filled fire.

How should the Christian respond to all of this?


While we remain on alert against viruses and disease, worrying won’t change our circumstances or lower our chance of infection. It won’t help us fight off illness or move us to action. Worrying about COVID-19 (or anything else) will only increase trouble. Rather than worrying and being anxious, Jesus calls us to respond with prayer and faith in him (Matthew 6:33–34; Philippians 4:6). We need not worry ultimately because we know the One who has defeated sin and death (1 Corinthians 15:55–57).

Remind yourself continually: it takes the same amount of energy to worry as to pray. One leads to peace, the other to panic. [2]

Remember the Truth About God

  1. God is still on the throne (sovereignty): Job 42:2; Isaiah 46:9-10. R.C. Sproul used to say, “there cannot be a single maverick molecule anywhere in the universe that is outside of God’s sovereignty.”
  2. God saved us from fear and anxiety: 2 Timothy 1:7; John 14:27
  3. God promises peace: Isaiah 26:3; Philippians 4:6-7
  4. God numbered our days long before COVID-19 was on the scene: Psalm 139:16
  5. God is the Great Healer: Psalm 103:3 (this is descriptive, not prescriptive).
  6. God has a plan for His children: Romans 8:28


In times of crisis, the world needs help and hope. We can provide both. As Christians, we are to reach out to people in need and help them in both practical and spiritual ways. Hebrews 13:16 says, “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.” We must not be so concerned for our own welfare that we will not minister to others (Philippians 2:3). Hiding in basements, stockpiling food and supplies, and distancing ourselves from others is not how believers should behave.

It is at times like these that our light shines brightest because it stands in stark contrast with wide-eyed fear, darkness, anxiety, and death. The world should see in us divine strength (Ephesians 6:10), a hope that comes from above (1 Peter 3:15), and a willingness to serve others even in the face of danger (Acts 15:26).

This is a good time for Christians to demonstrate sanity, peace, and hope, recognizing that our lives do not depend on the entry of a micro-organism into our bodies. Instead, it depends on the God who determines the beginning and the end of our history on earth.[3]

As you look for opportunities to minister to the sick or fearful, speak about the greater global epidemic – sin. Let the COVID-19 situation be a catalyst to speak about spiritual matters. The greatest need any individual has is not a cure for the Coronavirus, but salvation from their sin through Jesus Christ.

May God grant us the boldness and opportunities to move beyond merely ministering to physical maladies, but to also address the far weightier spiritual and eternal realities.

Ideas for Practical Outreach

  • Talk openly with people about their fears and anxieties. Offer to pray for them (right there on the spot)
  • Be generous and meet the needs of others e.g. a roll of toilet paper, a little hand sanitiser, paper towel, etc.
  • Write cards to people who you know are experiencing fear and remind them that you are available to listen to their concerns.
  • Write a note to the medical practitioners, paramedics, and nurses in your area expressing thanks to them for their efforts on the front line of this epidemic. Perhaps you could commend them for their years of study, service, and willingness to put themselves in danger for the wellbeing of their community.
  • If you are actively involved in a church, encourage people to bring to the church building items that promote hygiene which can then be dispensed to members of the community as the need arises.


As Christians, we must not be reckless, but we also must not be paralysed by fear. It is essential we take the necessary precautions to protect ourselves and our families, but not to the disregard of others.

In Matthew 10:16, Jesus sent out His disciples into a volatile Roman world where they would be as “sheep in the midst of wolves”. He commanded them to be “wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” These unusual similes contained two important truths which are applicable to the COVID-19 situation today: (1) be wise, shrewd, and cunning (positively) as you interact with society and particularly in times of persecution and affliction; (2) be harmless, innocent, and gentle as you relate to people.

In other words, exercise wisdom and gentleness as is befitting the child of God.


As this epidemic continues, be socially sensitive. It may not be the best idea to “greet one another with a holy kiss” (2 Corinthians 13:12). Sensitivity, empathy, and understanding are all character qualities of the Christian and must be extended in all we do.

In this regard, we must be careful not to judge others. Through fear, many may feel the need to wear masks, avoid shaking hands, and even act uncharitably. In grace, we must demonstrate the love of Christ to them, even if they are fellow-Christians who are weaker in their faith (Romans 14:1-11).

For church goers, if you are sick or are showing any type of flu-like symptoms, in the interest of public safety, hygiene, and perceptions, and because we love one another, please stay home.


MCCBC leadership is monitoring the COVID-19 situation in our state and when or if the Government Health Authorities mandate a limit on public gatherings, we intend to comply.

At this time, there is no indication that we will need to cancel any church events. However, as COVID-19 is a new virus and there is no approved vaccine as yet, we are actively taking reasonable precautions as it spreads.

While we do not want to be alarmists, we do want to be proactive and prepared where we can be. If you are sick or are showing any type of flu-like symptoms, please stay home.

We hope to be able to livestream our services so that those who are unwell can still be part of the worship from their homes. We encourage you to follow the health practices listed by the Health Authorities to keep everyone safe.

Specific Practicalities

  1. Hand sanitiser stations throughout the building.
  2. Air purifiers on order (Country Tech).
  3. Cleaning of air conditioner filters.
  4. Antibacterial wipes/sprays for surfaces.
  5. Limiting physical contact at individual’s discretion.


In Luke 21:10-11 and Matthew 24:8, we are reminded that world-wide pestilence and disease epidemics point to the return of Christ. Of course, we do not know the day or hour (Matthew 24:36), but as these events become more extreme and in closer succession, we are reminded that they are the “beginning of the birth pains.”

The imminent return of Christ should bring great joy and excitement to the heart of the believer, even in the midst of global panic. May the extreme nature of the COVID-19 cause our minds and eyes to look heaven-ward, from where we “await a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 3:20).






[1] Taken from

[2] Taken from


