We Need a Cure

A Short Easter Message by Pastor Daniel Kriss for the Alexandra Standard Newspaper (8/4/20)
At the time of writing this, there are 5635 positive cases of Coronavirus in Australia, and tragically, 34 people have died. The world as we know it has changed, and this Easter will be remembered for many years to come.
With so much uncertainty in the world, I believe it is best to remind you of a changeless truth that transcends our current situation, namely, the fact that Jesus came into the world to rescue us from a more serious virus than Covid-19, the universal disease of sin.
Unlike the Coronavirus, sin has a 100% strike rate and every person tests positive to this soul-threatening malady. The Bible tells us that “all have sinned” (Romans 3:23) and are guilty of breaking God’s law. The good news, however, is that there is a cure. Presently, doctors and medical teams all over the world are working on vaccines and antidotes to combat Covid-19, and I am sure they will have success soon. When it comes to the universal problem of sin, the Bible tells us that the cure has already been provided in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
No doubt you are familiar with the “Easter Story,” but do you know the reason why there was a bloodied man crucified on a cross? The answer is to save you from your sin. Because God is holy and He cannot allow sin to enter into His presence, He sent His perfect Son, Jesus, to die on the cross as a substitute for all who would believe on Him. His death and subsequent resurrection opened the way for sinful man to come to God, be cleansed, and given eternal life. This gift of forgiveness must be received by faith, it cannot be worked for.
My prayer is that at this most unusual time in our history, you might come to know the real meaning of Easter!

The Most Important Truth

The Jeweller’s Black Velvet.

Before I proposed to my wife, I visited many jewellers in pursuit of the perfect ring. I learned about base metals, brilliant cuts, and cluster settings. By the time I had finished my rounds, it was evident that the choices were infinite, and the prices varied greatly. 
One aspect of my shopping experience  that I had never witnessed before was the jeweller’s use of  dark fabric as the backdrop for an item. Whenever I selected a ring to look at more closely,  a rectangular piece of black velvet was spread carefully over the glass counter, and the  selected  item was placed upon it. This was fascinating to me because it seemed as though the diamond   ring had a new level of brilliance against the dark backdrop. 
This metaphor is particularly helpful when considering Christianity. Everybody in the world is in the market for something: a bigger house, a nicer car, a better education, a successful career, and so on. We are all “shopping” for happiness and lasting satisfaction.  At different stages in our life we meander through the “religious section” of the store, and to be honest, most of us are disappointed with what we find.  The jewels in this showcase look like relics, and do not work with the rest of our ensemble. Many are distasteful or just don’t fit.  Some are marketed as incredibly valuable but are found to be cheap imitations with many flaws. Christianity, however, is unique in one important way: its eternal value can only be seen and understood when viewed upon the dark velvet of our unworthiness.  Let me explain. 
Every religion assumes and asserts one unchanging  notion: man is essentially good  and can therefore achieve the standard required  to enter into heaven through effort and perseverance. This takes many forms. For some, it is regular attendance to the church, partaking of the sacraments, being confirmed, and obeying God’s laws.   Others pin their hopes on philanthropic  gestures, charity, and reaching out to fellow man.  A large portion of people believe that one day the cosmic scales will bear witness to the fact that they  generally lived a good life, and because their morality outweighed their evil, they will be considered worthy to enter a pleasant afterlife.
Whilst all these notions seem agreeable, and even help to uphold the moral fabric of society, none can offer any permanent hope because they are all based upon the foundational flaw that man is essentially good. This is where the jeweller’s black velvet provides some help. 
God’s Word teaches us that all of mankind is corrupt from birth.   We did not begin well and turn bad like the proverbial apple in the barrel, we were born bad.  Our mind, our hearts, and our bodies all bear the marks of sin and  depravity.  The Bible says,“all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).  
As humans, we tend to make comparisons among ourselves. We say, “well I’m not as bad as so-and-so, I’ve never killed or raped anyone. I’m sure God will accept me.”  There is  one serious problem with this concept- God’s standard for entrance into heaven is perfection.
If you have ever dabbled in archery you will know that the small red circle in the middle of the target is called the “bull’s eye”. That is what you are aiming for. In God’s economy, only a person whose life hits the moral bull’s eye is worthy of an entrance into His presence and kingdom. If you miss this mark, you have missed everything, and all of us have. This truth is clearly taught in the Bible: “For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become guilty of all of it” (James 2:10).   We are guilty. We are law-breakers. We deserve the full weight of God’s justice which is eternal death. This is the black velvet background. This is our sinfulness and unworthiness, but don’t stop reading! 
The Jeweller’s Glorious Piece.
In our little metaphor, we now stand at the counter with the black velvet laid out before us, and if that is all there is, we are in serious trouble! Thankfully, there is a glorious piece about to be presented.
The God who created every jewel  throughout the world now unveils  to you a treasure of matchless  worth.   The ring is laid upon the dark backdrop, and it glitters and sparkles under the Jeweller’s light. Before you lies a flawless diamond in a setting of pure gold. The features are remarkable, and it’s facets innumerable.  
Having understood the blackness and darkness of our estate before God, let us now consider how we as sinners can be made right with God.  It is obvious by now that we are incapable of meeting God’s standard of perfection. In other words, for there to be any hope of attaining to God’s standard, there must be another way outside of us.   There is. His name is Jesus. Now, at this point it is important that any preconceived ideas about the man Jesus are laid aside  because much of what has been said and written is inaccurate, and does not present the truth as taught in the Bible. 
Firstly, and most importantly, Jesus is God’s Son. At the bidding of His Father, He took on human form and was born to Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem. He was no ordinary baby, within Him resided two distinct natures: the human and the divine. His human nature meant that he looked and acted like any human child. His divine nature meant that He was God in the flesh, having all the characteristics of divinity, which is why  He could perform great miracles during His time on earth. One essential truth to understand is that, whilst he was human in every way, he did not have a sin nature,  which qualified Him to be a substitute for those who were sinners by birth (you and me). 
The entire purpose of Jesus’ entrance into this world was to rescue sinners. The Bible says, “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10).  We are the lost that Jesus came to save. But how would He save us?  Having lived a perfect life, and having hit the “target of God’s perfection” in every way, Jesus died on the cross as the substitute for all those who would believe upon Him. The death of this entirely righteous man provided for us a means by which we might be set free from our guilt and the wrath of God that abided on us. (John 3:36). 
In other words, the good news is that we do not have to die in our sin. There is hope; there is help; there is a future for all who  believe that Jesus died in their place, and then rose again from the dead. His resurrection was to show His power over sin and death, and to give us the hope that when we die, we too will be raised to life just like Him. 
Back to the Jewellery metaphor. This message is the glorious ring.  The gold setting represents the infinite value of God’s Son and His eternal nature. The diamond represents His death:  Jesus, under immense pressure  and the burning heat of God’s justice, died in our place and this is how the “diamond of God’s grace” was formed for you. 
Now the Jeweller picks up the precious piece and holds it out to you. “I can’t afford to pay for this”, you say. With a loving smile, the  Goldsmith says, “you’re right, you can’t. This  item is not for sale because it has already been paid in full by Jesus. It is a gift. Will you take it? 
The Jeweller’s Offer.
A decision lies before you. Will you accept the ring or will you refuse God’s gift? The answer to this question will determine where you spend eternity. Choose carefully. 
Let me share with you what happened when I accepted God’s gift. As I stood there in this metaphorical jewellery store, my mind was at war. Should I accept this treasure? Is it real? What is required of me once I don this ring? These and many other questions entered my mind. However, something within convinced me that accepting this gift was the only way to be rid of my guilt. With a blend of fear and confidence, I reached forward and took hold of the ring. Immediately, a light dawned upon my soul, and  all the fear and guilt fled away. The Jeweller took my hand and gently placed the ring upon my finger and said, “This is the seal of my promise, He that has my Son has life. Now go and bring others to me that I might introduce them to my Son too. 
As I left the Jewellery store, I starred at the ring. I turned it over and noticed an inscription on the band. It said, “Property of the King.” I suddenly realised that I had not only received forgiveness for my sins by means of Jesus’ death and resurrection, but I also was now a member of the royal family. I am a child of the King and   heaven is my home! 
It is my prayer that this metaphor helps you to see your desperate need as sinner before God, and the incomparable worth of knowing Jesus.  If you would like to talk about this some more; if you need clarification of things said; if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me anytime.
With love from one unworthy sinner to another, 
Pastor Daniel Kriss

Enduring Fruit

The parable of parables;

Made known to His disciples.

A secret truth most notable;

A message that’s unfashionable.

With ears to hear, let us hear;

We can’t afford to be cavalier.


A farmer sows his precious seed;

He casts it forth – a righteous deed.

His task complete, he played his part;

The gospel now has reached the heart.

Time will tell the real convert;

No turning back, He’ll not revert.


Some seed has fallen on the street;

Trampled by the busy feet.

The Devil’s birds do confiscate

The seed before it germinates.

Truth is snatched and seized today;

On wings of doubt it flies away.


Some seed is in the rocky ground;

It has no root, nor moisture found.

It grows with joy, but withers fast;

When trials come it cannot last.

Beneath the surface lies a flaw

This stillborn child is made of straw.


Some seed was sown amongst the thorns;

Fruitless and barren, a life forlorn.

The barbs emerge and suffocate;

Cares and riches strangulate.

A promising start but soon deceived;

Gospel truth not really believed.


Some seed was sown in fertile soil;

This heart believed without recoil.

The saving proof: enduring fruit;

Rooted in the Penal Substitute.

A thriving harvest, plain to see

Spreads throughout eternity.


~ Written by Daniel Kriss, November 13, 2019

Having read this parable in Mark 4:1-20 and pondering the many who have made professions of faith over the years but have since “fallen away”.

Gospel Living

Philippians one, twenty-seven;

Saints are citizens of heaven.

Not their own, but purchased be;

Among the world, a testimony.


Predestined to the image of Christ;

The reason He was sacrificed.

Our purpose clear, His grand design;

To His will, we must align.


Every motive, goal, and plan;

Every thought from inner man;

Every deed and conversation;

A witness to a great salvation.


Gospel living is not hard,

When holding Christ in high regard.

When with His Spirit we are filled,

The sin we love is daily killed.


So, live the life that can’t compare:

With Christ, His Word, and constant prayer;

Selfless love, true thanksgiving;

Brethren, this is gospel living.


~ By Daniel Kriss

September 2, 2019

(After preaching on Gospel Living from Philippians 1:27a)

The Wastelands of Discouragement

The beauty of the meadows fair

Replaced by barren deserts bare.

Eden’s lush and fruitful land

Exchanged for rocks and scorching sand.


The Scriptures read, the prayers are prayed;

The nights are cold- the soul dismayed.

The howling wolves; the bitter thirst;

Sojourning through a land accursed.


En Gedi’s springs cannot be found;

Pilgrim’s corpses all around.

Sinai’s burning bush concealed;

Canaan’s path is unrevealed.


All strength is sapped, no fight is left;

The spirit crushed, the soul bereft.

Abandoned, lost, and heart forlorn;

My friends-  the brier and the thorn.


Waterless dunes and arid planes;

The sandy storms and hurricanes.

These all attempt to overthrow

The truth within my soul I know.


Like Jesus from the Jordan led,

By Spirit to the tempter’s dread.

Though hungered, weary and deprived,

Strength to fight from God derived.


O weary desert trav’ller see;

Beyond Elijah’s juniper tree.

A rigid hope that stands secure-

The cross, the grave, the double-cure.


The wastelands of discouragement,

Fought by gospel armament.

Only by God’s truth applied,

Are desert seasons sanctified.


~ By Daniel Kriss, June 27, 2018

(Dealing with Discouragement)

Our Great Salvation

Text: 1 Peter 1:1-9


It’s our monthly communion service and it is my contention that this is the greatest, holiest, and highest spiritual celebration of the church this side of heaven!

I enter this time with reverential fear, having carefully examined my own heart, and conscious of the fact that my ways are not hidden from the Lord!

This precious ceremony cannot be treated with flippancy, and to do so is to disrespect and make light of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. To approach this table harbouring sin is to trample underfoot the blood of the Lord.

The testimony of Scripture and church history teaches us that some have abused this sacrament, and have paid for it with their health, and even their lives.

Am I trying to scare you? Yes!

Am I warning you? Yes!

However, at the same time let me be quick to remind you of the joy associated with this special form of worship! Of all the celebratory events in a year – Christmas, Easter, birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, etc. – The Lord’s Table ranks highest. It is here that we draw near the Lord in a very precious way.

The celebration, however, begins with a heaviness of heart as we ponder the physical suffering and spiritual anguish of our sin-bearer.

  • Through the eyes of faith we see Him in the garden- kneeling in anguish before His Father.
  • Shortly thereafter we hear the soldiers move towards Him. And what is this? A disciple at the helm who betrays Him with a kiss.
  • Then we see Him around a campfire – blind-folded, beaten, and denied.
  • Next we observe Him before Herod who offers false worship and thrusts a crown of thorns upon His sacred head.
  • Dragged back to Pontius Pilate, we now listen as the crowd condemns Him, and the Governor scourges Him with the cat of 9 tails.
  • With a sentence of death upon His head, the Centurions escort the wearied, bloodied Nazarene to Golgotha’s Hill. There they lay His body on a cross and nail His feet and hands. The cries of anguish from this man send shivers down our spine.
  • The cross is raised between heaven and earth, and as it is descends into the ground, the insides of Jesus separate from the outside causing asphyxiation. His only means of inhaling is to lift Himself up on the nails which are driven through His hands.
  • A mysterious darkness comes upon the earth from the 6th hour to the 9th. It is during this time that Jesus suffers the greatest agony of all – the full wrath of His Father for the sin of the world.
  • At the conclusion of this time, Jesus says, “It is Finished” and dies.
  • Next we see a soldier take his spear and run it through the Lord’s pericardium.
  • The body of Jesus is then removed from the cross, wrapped in a linen shroud, and placed in the tomb of one Joseph of Arimathea.

This ends the miserable narrative and gives way to a victory like no other.

  • Now we join Mary Magdalene, Mary the Mother of James, and Salome as they make their way to the tomb early on the first day of the week to anoint the body.
  • Upon arrival they find the great stone removed and are confronted by two angels who inform them that the Lord has risen again, just like He had told them He would.
  • For forty days the risen Jesus appears to the apostles, disciples, individuals and more than 500 at one time.
  • Finally, in climactic victory atop the Mount of Olives, having given some final instructions to His disciples, this Risen Jesus floats up into the sky and out of sight.

Can you imagine this period of 45 days in the life of the disciples?

These are the facts as recorded in the Scripture. We believe them by faith.

Now let me talk to you about the doctrine and theology that underpins these glorious truths- The seams which connect this redemptive tapestry together.

I will be taking for my text 1 Peter 1:1-9.

I have intentionally chosen our “Gospel Group” verses to reinforce our studies and to introduce these truths to those who are not associated with a discipleship group.

Before I end this introduction, I want to “give another plug” for the Gospel Groups!

I want you to ask yourself why you are not involved in this crucian part of our local church.

Don’t let distance be an issue. Don’t use the excuse of a lack of time. If finance is a concern, come and talk to me. 

Make 2019 the year you align yourself with a Gospel Group!

Now let’s get into this message which I have entitled: “Our Great Salvation”.

Context & Background

Let me provide you with a very brief summary of the context and background to Peter’s Epistle.

This letter was most likely written around A.D. 64 shortly after the Great Fire of Rome which history suggests was lit by the Emperor Nero himself in an attempt to blame Christians for the destruction.

The purpose of the letter was to encourage the believers who were facing immense persecution. Peter reminds the scattered believers that the trials they are experiencing will produce a faith more precious than gold (1 Peter 1:7). Furthermore, he spurs them on with the prospect of all that is theirs in the life to come – an inheritance, final salvation realised, the revelation of Jesus Christ, and praise, glory and honour for a faith that endures.

Election & The Foreknowledge of God

“To those who are elect exiles…according to the foreknowledge of God the Father.” (1 Peter 1:1)

At the very beginning of this epistle we are introduced to two of the most glorious terms in Christianity.

The first term – “elect” is very precious in the Bible. It speaks of God’s unconditional selection of some to salvation- not on the basis of their talents, qualities, or merits- but according to His own good pleasure.

Peter includes no particular reason for this election, but simply states its reality.

In fact, it would do the church well to stop trying to ascertain God’s reasons for election, and simply believe that it is a biblical fact.

The doctrine of election is found throughout the Bible

Jesus chose His disciples:

“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you” (John 15:16).

God the Father Elected all Believers:

“Even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will” (Ephesians 1:4-5).

But we ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers beloved by the Lord, because God chose you as the first-fruits to be saved, through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth” (2 Thessalonians 2:13).

Speaking of Saints During the Tribulation:

“And if the Lord had not cut short the days, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect, whom he chose, he shortened the days” (Mark 13:20).

The second term is “foreknowledge”.

According to verse two, God the Father operates with foreknowledge. As humans who are bound by time and space, we find this concept hard to understand.

When the Bible speaks of God’s foreknowledge it does not merely mean something known before-hand. Rather, it refers to God’s pre-determined plan for the salvation of His elect which, in the realm of eternity, is already completed in every sense, though not realised in our time and space.

Theologically speaking, there is no such thing as the “foreknowledge of God” because He is not bound in space and time.

John Wesley put it this way:Strictly speaking, there is no foreknowledge, no more than after-knowledge, with God; but all things are known to him as present, from eternity to eternity.”

Don’t let these terms scare you. Enter into these truths, be immersed by them, and the result will be humility, wonder, praise, and deeper worship.

Let me show you how.

  • Did God create you? Yes.
  • In creating you, was God entirely aware of who you would turn out to be? Yes.
  • Did God know before he formed you what thoughts you would entertain? Yes.
  • Was God privy to every sinful deed you would perform? Yes.
  • Did God choose you for salvation because you are better than others? No!
  • Did God “look ahead” and see your “natural goodness and gifting” and based upon these realities select you for salvation? No!

The question is NOT why did God choose some and not others, but rather why did God choose anyone at all!

If you understand your own inclination towards evil, and the state of your depraved mind before redemption, you cannot believe that there was something good in you which somehow won God over!

That is absurd.

God’s election and foreknowledge is not based upon any human merit, but on His sovereign purposes, from which we are intentionally excluded from understanding.

Today we have weak, watered-down preaching that says things like: God just wants to be let into your life. Open your heart’s door and let Him in. God just wants to be your Father, but He can’t be until you acknowledge Him to be so.

What did Jesus say?

All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out.” (John 6:37)

“So then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy.” (Romans 9:16)

“But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.” (John 1:12-13)

As you prepare for communion, consider the fact that you have been chosen by God unto salvation. Come and pay Him homage for so great a salvation.

Sanctification of the Spirit

“…in the sanctification of the Spirit…” (1 Peter 1:2)

How precious to know that God has not simply elected us, justified us, and then left us to our own devices. If this were the case, we would be hopeless, crushed, and overwhelmed by sin in our daily life.

“Sanctification” comes from a root for “holy.” It is the work of the Spirit to make those whom the Father has elected entirely holy.

Every person in the Godhead plays an active, ongoing role in the salvation of a sinner:

  • The Father elects and chastens.
  • The Son redeems and mediates.
  • The Spirit sanctifies and intercedes.

If justification frees us from the penalty of sin (hell – eternal destruction), then sanctification frees us from the power of sin.

The Holy Spirit who abides within is given to “cleanse the chambers” of our character. He works to bring our practical life into alignment with our position in Christ.

In other words, the Holy Spirit is performing an ongoing transforming work within every believer. This is achieved through conviction, guidance in the Word, revival, and cleansing.

Great Mercy

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy…” (1 Peter 1:3).

At the heart of the character of God is an abundance of mercy.

The word “mercy” in the Bible contains a wealth of meaning. In its most basic sense it refers to loving-kindness, compassion, and good-will to the undeserving.

In other words, God withholds what is the just dessert for the wicked, and instead pours out His love and kindness upon them (grace).

The mercy of God is not small in measure or insignificant. Peter uses the word “great” (ESV) or “abundant” (KJV) to describe the dimensions of God’s mercy.

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22-23).

“He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit” (Titus 3:5)

“For he says to Moses, ‘I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion’” (Romans 9:15).

Born Again to a Living Hope

“He has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” (1 Peter 1:3)

The words “has caused us to be born again” (verse 3) communicate the fact that salvation is a work of God and cannot be achieved by human means. This is a foundational truth of the gospel.

To be “born again” is to be made alive spiritually.

Jesus introduced this metaphor in John 3 when He had interactions with Nicodemus, the Jewish religious ruler. In that passage, Jesus said, “unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God”.

What is this “living hope” that the Christian experiences through salvation?

It is many things: the assurance of eternal life; resurrection from the dead; the redemption of our mortal bodies; a vibrant relationship with God and His Son; and the promise of Christ’s imminent return.

The foundation of this “living hope” is found in the fact that Jesus Christ Himself rose from the dead.

Paul said, “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins.”

On the other hand, Romans 6:5 says, “For if we have been united with him [Jesus] in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.”

A Secure Future and Inheritance

“To an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who by God’s power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.” (1 Peter 1:4-5).

Not only are we “born again to a living hope” (v.3) in this life, we are also promised an inheritance in the next life!

Remember that the recipients of this letter were facing all manner of persecution. Peter is seeking to lift their vision from the present circumstances to the glorious future that awaits them.

The “inheritance” that awaits the Christian in heaven is manifold and includes: eternal life, unrivalled joy, freedom from sin and death, perfect peace, the presence of God, the full, unveiled companionship of Christ, rewards for service, fellowship with the entire household of faith, and the splendour of the new heaven and earth.

Take note of the words used to describe this inheritance: “imperishable, undefiled and unfading”.

  • “Imperishable” literally means, “not liable to corruption or decay.”
  • “undefiled” speaks of “purity, freedom from stains and pollution, and is not acquired through evil means like many inheritances today.”
  • “Unfading” refers to “perpetual loveliness”. It does not grow pale with age or exposure. It is eternally magnificent.

Pay careful attention to the word “kept” in verse 4. It means to “guard, watch over, and protect.”

The believers’ future is personally guarded by the Lord Jesus Christ. Nobody can steal, defile, or destroy the inheritance reserved in heaven for you.

Jesus said, “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also” (John 14:1-3).

The Present Purpose of Trials

“In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honour at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 1:6-7)

The believers to whom Peter is writing are facing immense persecution and are in fear for their lives. As difficult as the circumstance was, Peter quickly reminded them of the purpose of their trials – to test the sincerity of their faith, and to ultimately result in praise, glory and honour at Christ’s return.

Someone might ask, “what is the purpose of trials in the life of the believer?”

Although we cannot answer that question completely because we do not know the specific purposes of God, we are told that trials test and strengthen our faith, increase patience and perseverance, and result in greater praise for the Lord.

Trials and temptations should not be viewed negatively because they are the means of our sanctification. However, it is very difficult to view trials in a biblical way when we are in the midst of them. It takes a Spirit-filled Christian to trust in the unseen hand of God as He stokes the refining fire, so that our faith may be “more precious than gold.”

The ultimate purpose of trials in the Christian’s life is clearly stated in verse 7: “to result in praise and glory and honour at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”

This portion has two distinct aspects:

  1. The believer’s commendation on judgment day when he stands before the Lord Jesus Christ, and;
  2. (2) the final, ultimate praise, honour and glory of Jesus Christ before whom we will cast our crowns at His coronation in heaven.

Loving, Believing & Rejoicing in the Unseen God

“Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory…” (1 Peter 1:8)

The scattered believers to whom Peter writes had never personally had contact with Jesus. However, they knew His character, sacrifice, resurrection, ascension, and these truths were believed by faith.

Is it possible to love someone who you have never physically met? Absolutely!

The love that proceeds from God is not based upon physicality or visible presence, it is an exercise of the will. When it comes to the person of God, we “love [Him] because He first loved us”.

Furthermore, we who are Christians have come to understand who Jesus Christ really is, what He accomplished on our behalf, and His glorious perfections. As we grow in our understanding of the Saviour, our love and worship for Him will also increase. He is truly LOVELY!

Since Jesus Christ is the image of the invisible God, it would do us well to spend time studying each of His attributes as recorded in the Scriptures. Believers who concentrate their attention on Christ are conformed to His image “from one degree of glory to another.”

There is a “special blessing” promised to those who have trusted Christ by faith without sight, and it is a joy which surpasses all others.

The words, “joy that is inexpressible” is a unique word in the Greek. It describes a joy so profound as to be beyond the power of words to express.

A growing love and faith will bring unparalleled joy in this life!

Glorification Finally Realised

“Obtaining the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls.” (1 Peter 1:9).

At a fixed “time” in the “future”, our faith will be swallowed up in sight.

Jesus will return and “we will see Him as He is”.

This will be the “end” or “outcome of our faith” – The crowning consummation, the redemption of our bodies, and freedom from the presence of sin, sorrow, and death.


  1. Before the world existed, the Father elected believers to salvation and then set in motion the plan of redemption through His Son.
  1. Not only would this plan justify the sinner, it would also bring ongoing sanctification through the Holy Spirit’s abiding presence in the believer.
  1. All of this came about because of the abundance of God’s mercy toward vile sinners.
  1. He caused us to be born again to a living hope which includes an assured future beyond this life and a spiritual inheritance reserved in heaven for every Christian.
  1. A Secure Future and Inheritance is our in Christ.
  1. Trials also have a divine purpose in the life of a believer – to test the genuineness of our faith, and to result in the approval of God.
  1. Though Jesus is physically unseen by us, we love, believe and rejoice in Him.
  1. Glorification is the final chapter of our salvation. We await eagerly the return of Christ.

This is our Great Salvation!
